FoSTAC Food Safety Manager Training and Certification is required by law in Country.

Food Safety Training and Certification (FoSTaC) is required by law in the states of India. In terms of Section 16(3) h of the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, the Food Safety Standards Authority of India has to ensure training of persons who are, or intend to become involved in Food Businesses, whether as Food Business Operators or employees or otherwise. As per FSSAI order dated October 6, 2017 it would be mandatory for all food businesses having Central License or State License to have at least one trained and certified Food Safety Supervisor for every 25 food handlers or part thereof on all their premise

Click here to download the said order.

Click here to download the fostacbook.

We make it Convenient

    to download the said order.
  • Classes are taught in one day. Sign up for the session closest to your establishment, and take the session and the assessment / exam in the same day.
  • The session will run from 9 am to 6 pm with a break for Tea and lunch.
  • Be sure to register online for the training program on https://fostac.fssai.gov.in/Fssai_E-learning_System/aadhar-verification.fssai
  • For registration you will be requiring Aadhaar Card & FSSAI Licence Number.
  • Arrive on time with admit cards.
  • You will need a 75% or above in order to pass the assessment / exam
  • If you have at least 20 employees who you would like to certify, ask us about hosting a session at your own location with one of our instructors.

We make it Affordable

Food Safety Supervisors in Advance Catering
  • For HRANI Members : 1000 + 18% GST
  • For Non Members : 1500 + 18% GST
Eligibility Criteria

3 + Years experience in Hospitality Industry.


We make it count

Train the Trainer (TOT) is valid for two years*.

Food Safety Supervisor Certification is valid for two years.*

*Note that once your certification has expired, you will have to take the full course again in order to re-certify.

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